Unsere Schüler sind alle wohlbehalten aus dem Auslandspraktikum wieder heimgekehrt. Im Anschluss an das Praktikum bekamen unsere Schüler die Aufgabe ein Essay über ihren Aufenthalt in Dublin und Umgebung:
Work placement in the real estate business in Dublin 2022
Between 22 May and 17 June 2022 my class (IMK20) including myself had the opportunity to be part of a work placement in the greater Dublin area.
Our host families were located in a small town called Ballybrack which is about 1 hour south of Dublin City and 30 minutes north of my workplace in Bray. Ballybrack itself is quite small and contains almost only residentially used row- houses and very few commercial properties. Surrounded by a big park and many Football fields, Ballybrack was a fitting example for the sporty society in Ireland which practises special sports like Hurling, Gaelic Football and Rugby which are rather unknown in Germany and other countries. Located 20 minutes by foot to the beach, me and a few friends took a walk to the beach almost every day.
Bray, the location of my workplace was a little town located even closer to the ocean with the main street containing only commercial properties and many lovely but very expensive houses near the seaside. Especially worth remembering was the close by hill ‘Bray Head’ which offered an impressive panoramic view all over Bray, the ocean and the countryside.
Ireland itself stood out by being very green and always having amazing air quality which is caused by it being surrounded by the ocean.
Ireland’s capital Dublin impressed with being busier than expected and the young age of most people. Beforehand I did not expect Dublin to be as young and modern with interesting and innovative companies - especially in the tech industry. Talking to Irish residents, I got informed that even more growth is expected in the tech industry over the next years.
The infrastructure is not to be compared to Germany. Public transportation like busses and trains regularly do not arrive on time and there were very few connections covering the Irish countryside. As a result I always took an early bus to work to assure being on time. Furthermore the left- hand traffic was very interesting to see and to get used to.
The Irish people I met left a positive impression by being polite and extremely helpful. Although this is an impression to remember, the work ethic of some people was a little too relaxed in my opinion. Furthermore, the Irish eating habits (in my host family) really bothered me by entirely eating ready to eat food or inedible food.
I am happy to have had the opportunity to work with DNG, Irelands premier property agency dealing with residential property sales. Compared to Germany this was an outstanding experience for me as I mainly do property management in Germany and rarely get out of the office. Working with DNG Bray I rarely worked inside the office. With the branches CEO and my co- workers being really friendly I was able to quickly integrate into the team. The agents were very open-minded, efficient and really motivated to make the best out of the three weeks I was able to work with DNG Bray. I was able to accompany various tasks like viewings, valuations, measuring houses, making floor plans on paper and computer and having a lot of personal contact with clients. To my surprise my co-workers trusted me to do viewings, valuations, measuring appointments and floor plans all by myself in the last week of work. Compared to Germany this was an absolutely different experience and the kind of work I want to do in the future. Overall the work placement was extremely productive and helped me to decide what I want to do after finishing my apprenticeship in 2023. I noticed viewings and appointments in general to be way less formal than in Germany with more chatting and a closer relation between agent and client compared to Germany.
Being a foreigner in Ireland was very interesting and helpful for me in terms of increasing my English skills and especially my formal/ business language related to real estate. Accompanying the agents at DNG I also quickly obtained a lot of knowledge about Irish culture and the local property market. Solely communicating in English I am proud to now say that I had no language barrier inside and outside of work.
To summarise my Irish business experience I feel well prepared to deal with English clients in the future.
Schüler der IMK20