
Location Dresden

Güntzstraße 1, 01069 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 4445-0
E-Mail: dresden@afbb.de
Social Media:   
to the school administrations
to the apprenticeship service

Location Berlin

Bornitzstraße 73-75, 10365 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 288869-0
E-Mail: berlin@afbb.de
Social Media:   
to location Berlin

Location Köln

Maarweg 151 (Haus 3), 50825 Köln
Phone: +49 221 4744154-0
E-Mail: koeln@afbb.de
Social Media:   
to location Köln


Contact details

Academy for vocational training Ltd. (non-profit)
Güntzstraße 1 | D-01069 Dresden
Telephone: +49 351 4445-0  |  Telefax: +49 351 4445-208
E-Mail: dresden@afbb.de

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Location Dresden

Blochmannstraße 2, 01069 Dresden
Phone: 0351 4445-140
E-Mail: dresden@afbb.de
Social Media:   

Location Berlin

Bornitzstraße 73-75, 10365 Berlin
Phone: 030 288869-0
E-Mail: berlin@afbb.de
Social Media:   

Location Cologne

Maarweg 151 (Haus 3), 50825 Cologne
Phone: 0221 4744154-0
E-Mail: koeln@afbb.de
Social Media:   

AFBB Akademie für berufliche Bildung gGmbH

Your partner for education and A-levels in Dresden, Berlin and Cologne.

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Group of companies

The AFBB is an independent educational institution and works in association with the AWV Akademie für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung GmbH and the Fachhochschule Dresden - Private Fachhochschule GmbH.

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