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Educate 4 Future

Educate 4 Future Competences from Industry 4.0 for Vocational School Curricula

Competences from Industry 4.0 for Vocational School Curricula

Project duration: 01 November 2020 - 31 December 2022
Funding: Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Project Page


The labour market is continuously changing in the age of digitalisation and Industry 4.0. It is therefore necessary to transfer the evolving skill requirements into vocational education and training and to prepare skilled workers for their professional roles in the best way possible. The aim of the EDU4Future project is to describe how the changing requirements of the labour market, with a special focus on digitalisation and Industry 4.0, can be transferred to vocational education and training in the partner countries.

This will include the role of the social partners, the state and the regions in the process of transferring labour market requirements to education at national, regional, local and sectoral levels, the competences of the different actors, examples of good practice and examples of relevant partnerships and initiatives.

Identifying good practice from other EU countries is an effective way of gaining new impetus for initiating change at both national and European level.

The project will describe in detail the procedures used by 6 EU Member States, represented by 6 project partners, to anticipate and select the changing needs of the labour market, with a particular focus on digitalisation and Industry 4.0, in order to transfer them to VET.


  • SLOVENSKA OBCHODNA A PRIEMYSELNA KOMORA (Slowakische Industrie- und Handelskammer (Regionalkammer in Trenčín))
  • TREXIMA, spol. r.o. (Tschechien)
  • CONPLUSULTRA GMBH (Österreich)
  • G&P svetovanje Gregor Jagodič s.p (Slowenien)

Project results

IO1: International Methodology (Lead: AFBB)
The project will develop an international methodology to establish how labour market demands are transferred to workers' competences through vocational education and training (VET) in the partner countries. The methodology will enable a consistent approach to describing the situation in each country, even though VET systems may differ significantly. It will also provide sufficient space for specific examples, for local initiatives and examples of good practice.

IO2: Country Reports (Lead T2I)
Following the international methodology's (IO1) general principles, the partners will prepare detailed reports describing the situation in their country.

IO3: Comparative Study (Lead TREXIMA)
The uniform structure of the country reports will allow the individual reports to be compared and analysed under different aspects.
The analysis will focus on the main differences in VET and country approaches to ensure the timely and high-quality transfer of labour market requirements, especially in the areas of digitalisation and Industry 4.0, to VET. Likewise, examples of good practice will be compared.
The comparative analysis will provide an overview of comparable aspects and particularly examine the differences in the approaches of the individual countries in the partnership.

IO4: Recommendations (Lead: CONPLUSULTRA)
In the form of a policy paper, this output will contain an evaluation of the results based on the country reports and the comparative analysis. The output will formulate both general conclusions and country-specific recommendations on how their approaches could be innovated or strengthened.
Particular emphasis will be placed on practices that best respond to the need for transferring the demands of a changing labour market to VET. Particular attention will be paid to those practices that specifically address the issue of digitalisation and the "Industry 4.0" phenomenon in this transfer, which is accelerating the transformation process of the labour market.

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Location Dresden

Blochmannstraße 2, 01069 Dresden
Phone: 0351 4445-140
E-Mail: dresden@afbb.de
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Location Berlin

Bornitzstraße 73-75, 10365 Berlin
Phone: 030 288869-0
E-Mail: berlin@afbb.de
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Location Cologne

Maarweg 151 (Haus 3), 50825 Cologne
Phone: 0221 4744154-0
E-Mail: koeln@afbb.de
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