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time frame: 01.11.2023-28.02.2026

The project aims to train VET learners in DE, NL, and ES as GreenScouts. The 3-phase concept involves preparation, guidance during work-based learning and post-support for sharing and communication of developed approaches.


  • Workshop Curriculum: VET learner preparation workshop based on the GreenScouts Profile, considering industry needs (Phase 1)
  • Guidance Concept: VET learners get supported during work-based learning to identify improvement opportunities in their companies (Phase 2)
  • Strategy Collection: VET learners get supported sharing their sustainability strategy (Phase 3)
  • Transfer concept/Adaptive Methodology: description of steps to implement the programme, additional activities for the 3 phases

Profile and Criteria

Guidance Concept


Project Background

The topic of sustainability has found its way into almost all areas of everyday life. The wide-ranging institutional anchoring (e.g. European Climate Pact, Green Deal etc.) further illustrate the significance of this topic. The inevitable green transformation affects numerous sectors, prompting businesses to re-evaluate and adapt their processes.

Fresh perspectives, often originating from young individuals, can be valuable in this reassessment. Recognizing the potential of vocational education and training (VET) learners, we believe they can actively contribute to these transformations.

GreenScouts aims to empower VET students to take on an active role, fostering initiative and responsibility. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills to actively participate in the green transformation of their workplaces, drawing inspiration from initiatives like Fridays for Future. The project also benefits participating companies by providing a fresh perspective on their practices and operational processes. This review encourages adjustments that align with sustainable practices, ultimately benefiting both students and industry stakeholders.

The project develops a 3-phase approach to train VET learners in becoming GreenScouts. These learners will develop an understanding of sustainable work practices, reflect on processes and practices during their work placement, and develop an improvement strategy.

Reflections and target group feedback on the practical implementation will inform the creation of an adaptive methodology, which can be used by European VET schools to develop a GreenScouts program at their own institutions. The 3-phase GreenScout Concept is designed and implemented in VET schools in Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, who are supported by consulting partners from Czech Republic and Sweden.

VET learners participate in a preparation workshop, receive guidance during their WBL (to identify improvement opportunities and develop solutions) and get support afterwards (to share and communicate their developed approach). The 3-phase concept will be evaluated, its specific steps analysed and described, and a transfer concept prepared.

Main Objective

Enable VET learners to comprehend climate change and equip them with knowledge on sustainable business practices applicable to their workplace. They will learn to independently identify opportunities for improvement during their internship and formulate eco-friendly solutions for work practices and processes.

Objective 1

Development of an Adaptable GreenScout Profile: Create a versatile GreenScout profile suitable for various vocational education fields, emphasizing a strong interdisciplinary approach. Achieving this will involve developing and testing the GreenScouts concept in VET schools with different training specializations, such as hospitality & tourism (NL), trade & business (DE), and electrician and IT (ES). The three-phase approach will generate multiple sustainable strategies, enabling the identification of commonalities and differences across professional contexts.

Objective 2

Phase 1: Preparing GreenScouts: In the initial phase, VET learners will participate in a focused workshop aimed at introducing them to sustainability concepts within their specific industry sector. This workshop's goal is to raise awareness about sustainability in the workplace, sustainable business strategies, and their potential impact on climate change.

Objective 3

Phase 2: Developing Problem-Solving Skills: During their Work-Based Learning (WBL) experiences, VET learners will identify potential "issues" or areas for improvement within their workplaces and work on developing solutions. This phase will foster process-oriented, problem-based, and solution-oriented thinking. Additionally, it will strengthen the learners' connection to their WBL providers and potential future employers as they take initiative and responsibility for specific workplace issues beyond their usual tasks. The process aims to cultivate a sense of responsibility and help learners identify their scope of action and potential to drive change.

Objective 4

Phase 3: Formulating and Comparing Sustainable Strategies: The central focus of this phase is to formulate, collect, and compare sustainable strategies. These strategies will be pivotal in refining the GreenScouts profile. Furthermore, this phase aims to enhance collaboration between training companies and vocational schools by facilitating knowledge exchange on sustainability. Work placement and other participating companies will gain insights into the strategies and ideas developed by VET learners, which can serve as inspiration for their own improvements.

Objective 5

Development of a Transfer Concept: Create a transfer concept that ensures the project's results can be integrated into various school contexts. Align the GreenScouts approach with existing educational priorities to facilitate its implementation.


Project Partners

Project Coordinator

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Location Dresden

Blochmannstraße 2, 01069 Dresden
Phone: 0351 4445-140
E-Mail: dresden@afbb.de
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Location Berlin

Bornitzstraße 73-75, 10365 Berlin
Phone: 030 288869-0
E-Mail: berlin@afbb.de
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Location Cologne

Maarweg 151 (Haus 3), 50825 Cologne
Phone: 0221 4744154-0
E-Mail: koeln@afbb.de
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